Searles Lake Gem and Mineral Society
See Flyer
- 2021 Show for dates and times
Updated May 15, 2021 - What's New for 2020 Show
Gem-O-Rama - ALL ACTIVITIES Cancelled
Again in 2021 Searles Valley Minerals, Inc. is unfortunately unable to
host field trips to Searles Lake during the Trona Gem-O-Rama gem show. This is
due to continuing restrictions originating with the coronavirus pandemic. Although the state plans to “fully reopen” on
June 15, all businesses, including Searles Valley Minerals, Inc., must be in
compliance with ETS/CalOSHA and other statewide agency guidelines and standards
with public health restrictions such as masking, testing, vaccination and
vaccination verification for large –scale, higher risk events.
The CalOSHA and California State Public Health regulations and
guidelines have several provisions that would be impossible to follow and/or
enforce during the brief two days of the Gem-O-Rama. Neither Searles Valley Minerals, Inc. nor the
Gem-O-Rama volunteers have the personnel, time or resources to enforce these
provisions upon potentially thousands of visitors.
As you know, without the ability to collect the rare minerals on
Searles Lake, there is little to attract the large numbers of people required
to support the Trona Gem-O-Rama. And
because Searles Lake is entirely owned by Searles Valley Minerals, Inc. and
they have barred public access to their property, the Searles Lake Gem &
Mineral Society has no choice other than cancelling all activities for the Trona
Gem-O-Rama again in 2021.
This field trip will again be on Friday afternoon, 2:00 to 6:30PM (it will be dark
by 6:30). While everyone is welcome to participate, we expect that only dealers
who hope to profit from our pink halite can afford the cost of this field trip.
We will continue the cost structure that we had in 2018 - $150 for car and driver
+ $50 for each additional person. Accordingly, the cost will be $100.00 for each
vehicle that transports salt and $50.00 for every person in that vehicle. So a car
with only the driver will be $150 while a car with 4 collectors will cost $300.
We will again require reservations for the Friday field trip only.
(Reservations are not required for any other field trips)
Reservations for the Friday trip close on Friday, October 2 or earlier
if only a small collecting area can be found.
Field trip may be cancelled and refunds given if no suitable collecting
areas with good specimens develops over the summer.
Possible limit on number of cars allowed on Friday field trip
Early registrations gives the SVM heavy equipment operators enough time to prepare
a place for all participants to park relatively close to the collecting area.
We require full payment for Friday Field Trip prior to October 2.
See Friday Field Trip page for full information on this field trip.
3. Sunday Pink Halite Field Trip - CANCELLED
a. Yes, we know we had problems with little salt and poor parking. Sometime in the
next several weeks we will be assessing options to alleviate these problems.
Cell telephone service
Verizon and Sprint roaming only, NO ATT (still the case)
We also had a problem with people following Rule #1 for Sunday field trip. This rule reads
"Follow all directions of SVM Inc employees and/or SLG&MS
members." Please remember, we are guests on SVM private property and we could
lose our access to Searles Lake if people abuse this privilege.
1. If you plan to be driving on highway 395 anywhere north of Interstate 15,
be aware that nearly all of this is two lane road with lots of slow moving
trucks. Between Adelanto and Kramer Corner there is only one short passing
lane; the rest is two lane with a double-double line down the middle (absolutely
no passing allowed). This is also a dangerous stretch of highway so be careful.
North of Kramer Corner there are fewer trucks and passing is allowed but there
are no passing lanes so this is still a very dangerous stretch of highway.
2. We will continue to have all drivers sign a Liability Waiver that says the
driver willingly accepts all responsibility and liability for any damages or
loss of property that occur to him or to anyone in his car and that occur
while on a field trip. The required liability form can be found at
Liability Waiver Form. You can bring this completed from with you or
sign one when you pay for your field trip ticket.
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Searles Lake Gem and Mineral Society
P. O. Box 966
13337 Main St.
Trona, CA 93592-0966
Phone (760) 372-5356
| Home
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Map | Revised 05/15/2021
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If you want to use any of the contents, contact the
SLG&MS at any of the above.